Developing self-awareness, communication & leadership skills

Self-awareness and social & emotional intelligence are essential skills in the 21st century

The Tendencies Model™ has been designed to be the most practical personality inventory and self-awareness coaching model for teachers and students.

It is an online self-discovery e-learning module that correlates the three main personality theories in the world (DISC, Myers Briggs & Big 5) into one concise model that is easy to understand and apply.

Never in the history of the world has self-awareness been as important as it is today, particularly for students.

Knowledge and application of The Tendencies Model leads to Hypercognition™ which is a state of heightened self-awareness combined with intentional self-regulation in order to act and interact more consciously in the world. 

Developing Hypercognition™ can help students and teachers in the following ways:

Improved Learning

Heightened self-awareness & self-regulation for students

Empowerment of students to understand and manage their tendencies in relation to others

Awareness and mitigation of learning style to contribute more effectively in class

Developing students into self-aware, compassionate leaders

Improved grades and graduation rates

Improved Teaching

Heightened self-awareness & self-regulation for teachers

Empowerment of teachers to understand and manage their tendencies in relation to others

Awareness and mitigation of teaching styles to match learning styles of students (enabling differentiated instruction)

Developing teachers into self-aware, compassionate leaders

Improved grades and graduation rates

Improved communication & campus culture

Heightened self and social-awareness across the campus

Improved communication between administration, staff and teachers

Improved communication between teachers, students, parents and the community

Improved student engagement and attendance

Reduced incidences of anti-social misbehaviour and bullying


Contact us to find out more about our HYPERCOGNITION™ workshops for schools & colleges.