Improved communication, collaboration and leadership 

Heightening self-awareness and social & emotional intelligence in leaders and teams

The Tendencies Model™ has been designed to be the most practical personality inventory and self-awareness coaching process for talent, team and leadership development.

It is an online self-discovery e-learning module that correlates the three main personality theories in the world (DISC, Myers Briggs & Big 5) into one concise model that is easy to understand and apply.


Knowledge and application of The Tendencies Model leads to Hypercognition™ which is a state of heightened self-awareness combined with intentional self-regulation in order to act and interact more consciously in the world. 

Developing Hypercognition™ in leaders and teams will elevate performance in the following domains:

Solution sales training

Helping sales people understand and manage their tendencies in the sales process and also identify and cater to the tendencies of their prospect can improve closure rates substantially.

Diversity & inclusion

Explores the topic of unconscious bias from a biological, physiological, psychological and philosophical standpoint.

Communication & engagement

For people at all levels of the organisation to learn how to communicate and engage more effectively.

Talent & leadership development

Developing newly promoted managers into leaders and existing leaders into powerful, conscious and compassionate leaders.

Culture development & team building

For people at all levels of the organisation to grow in self-awareness and use HYPERCOGNITION™ concepts as a common language for embracing team and organisational culture.


Contact us to find out more about our consultancy services, training workshops & coaching programs.