Heightened self-awareness, improved relationships & family dynamics

Gain a more accurate perception of yourself and others

The Tendencies Model™ is designed to help you heighten self-awareness, improve self-regulation and increase social & emotional intelligence.

Spend 10 minutes of your time to identify your personality tendencies and learn how the three main personality theories in the world (DISC, Myers Briggs & Big 5) correlate into one concise model that is easy to understand and apply.

Knowledge and application of The Tendencies Model leads to Hypercognition™ which is a state of heightened self-awareness combined with intentional self-regulation in order to act and interact more consciously in the world. 

Developing Hypercognition™ can help you gain a more accurate understanding of yourself and others and improve in the following areas:

Improved communication

Understanding your own communication tendencies

Understanding the communication tendencies of others

Adapting your communication style to get better results

Understanding why some people are better listeners whilst others better talkers

Enabling you to understand your friends and colleagues on a deeper level

Improved family dynamics

Enabling you to understand your family members and loved ones on a deeper level

Improving communication & family engagement

Improving, understanding and reducing misunderstandng and friction

Learning how to provide effective recognition and feedback

Understanding family roles & responsibilities

Improved personal effectiveness

Enabling you to know yourself at a deeper level

Understanding your strengths so that you may leverage them

Understanding your blind spots so that you may mitigate them

Understanding your natural communication style

Improving your ability to communicate, influence and lead
