The Tendencies Model™ was developed by studying the three most widely used personality theories in the world (DISC, Myers Briggs, The Big 5) over a 12 year period and correlating their most useful aspects into one concise user-friendly model.

It is an online self-discovery e-learning module that consists of a short personality inventory, an insightful 9-page report and a 30 minute video tutorial explaining the background, history and practical applications of modern day personality theory.

It is designed to to heighten self-awareness and improve social intelligence in people, teams & organisations.


We aim to summarise what social scientists, academics and practitioners know about personality psychology by giving you a crash course in personality theory.

The Tendencies Model™ provides a simple framework that cuts through the BS (Barnum Statements), science & pseudoscience of personality theory to crystallise and retain what is useful, practical and applicable.

Knowledge and application of our model leads to:



HYPERCOGNITION™ is a coaching philopsophy developed by Tendencies.com.

It uses personality theory, mindfulness techniques, philosophical concepts and leadership principles to help people develop Hypercognition™.

METACOGNITION is defined as thinking about thinking or knowing about knowing or, in other words, being aware of how one’s own mind works.


“Heightened self-awareness combined with intentional self-regulation in order to act and interact more consciously in the world.”

In short, Hypercognition™ helps you understand and manage your tendencies so as to become more accurate in the way you perceive yourself and others and more effective in the way you engage and communicate at work, at home and at school.

Effective use of The Tendencies Model™

You should never hire or judge somebody based on personality type but rather based on how self-aware the person is and how effective they are at self-regulation. Our model can be used to gauge this. However it is most effective as people development coaching tool to help individuals heighten self-awareness through identifying and leveraging their strengths and understanding and mitigating their blind spots.