1. The T-Survey consists of 21 short questions and should take between 10 minutes to 20 minutes to complete.
  2. You are only able to take the survey once so please allocate sufficient time and give this task your undivided attention.
  3. It is important you take each question on it’s own merit and answer it with your “real” self in mind rather than your “ideal” self.
  4. Therefore, do not attempt to balance your answers by taking into consideration previously answered questions.
  5. Your personality tendencies may change situationally and so do not place yourself at home, school or work when answering, just think about who you are in general.
  6. Each of the 21 questions contains 4 statements.
  7. Read each statement and then rank them from 1 to 4 in order of which statement you relate to most (1), which statement is second most like you (2), which statement is third most like you (3) and which statement is least like you (4).
  8. Select the relevant number in the dropdown directly below the relevant statement.
  9. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers so just answer the questions instinctively and as you see yourself rather than how you would like others to see you.
  10. At the end of the T-Survey, you will be presented with your Tendencies Bar Chart (T-Bar) and Tendencies Report (T-Report).